
It’s a Magical world!


Lisa Dunford Dickman

Hi, I’m Lisa! I’m a Traveler, a Transformational Coach, a Writer and a Retreat Leader. I help soul-centered humans take big, bold steps towards their dreams - even when they don’t know what those dreams are (yet!) 

What I know for sure is that when we LIVE LOVED, connecting to something higher and loving all our parts, SO MUCH MORE IS POSSIBLE than most of us think! I want to live in a world where everyone feels safe to express their truest and highest self… to live fulfilled and flourishing lives NOW! You don’t have struggle to do it alone. What would be possible if you could reliably access the unconditional universal love that is always available?

Need more support in your life? Let’s connect! ! I’d love to hear about about your dreams and desires. Who are you being in the world now and where you want to go!?


Open to the Magic (in Africa!)

Are you ready to step into something bigger than you may have dreamed possible? !?

FROM sea to safari

Join us for a small group retreat on the eastern coast of South Africa

2025 Dates Coming soon!

It’s a magical world!

The magic is just closer to the surface in Africa …


Living Loved

one-to-one coaching Program

From struggling and striving to FUFILLED and FLOURISHING. I help soul-led humans love all their parts and lean into Divine support so they can live big, bold, beautiful lives. If there’s an area that feels a little sticky for you or you know you are not creating at the level you’re capable of, Living Loved is for you! The three month program includes an initial Sacred Self-Compassion Session and 9 one-to-one coaching calls. We will release, receive and rise into a higher vibration so you can take consistent aligned action towards your dreams. Limited spots available. Schedule a free connection call today and let’s explore if Living Loved might be for you!


Writing & Speaking

Lisa has a number of talks she offers, including Lessons from Lions: How to make your business more potent by making it more personal. She also accepts writing commissions. If you’d like to inquire about Lisa’s writing or speaking, get in touch today!