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 Playng with Paint

(to free our souls!)  


part of my magic is the ability to see the BIG POSSIBILITIES for people… and to recognize the blocks that ARE holdING them back

Welcome to my free  Playing with Paint (to free our souls!) Workshop where we explore how loosening up through art - and loving the part of us who’s created our limiting beliefs - can free us to do more of what we value in life!


What this is:

  • A fun, 45-minute, free, interactive mini-creativity workshop!

  • A safe space to honor our scared selves

  • An opportunity to play!

What it’s not:

  • Anything high pressure!

  • A how-to-do-art workshop

  • Only for those who have done art before

  • Only for those who haven’t done art before

What do I need to bring?

  • Your curiosity!


What else?

Whatever random art supplies you have laying around. The more random the better!

  • Some kind of paper or sketchbook. The bigger surface the better, and thicker paper might be a bit easier, but anything will do - several sheets of printer paper, kids poster board, brown paper grocery bags.

  • Pens, pencils, markers, crayons - colors would be great, but if black and blue is what you have, go with that!

  • Assorted paints if you have them. I like acrylic, but kid’s craft paint, gouache, even watercolor can work (oils are too slow drying and require solvents). If you don’t have any, don’t worry - they aren’t a requirement.

  • Various size brushes or mark makers - an old credit card, a twig from the garden, flowers, an old comb you don’t need any more, a discarded pizza cutter, old string, bubble wrap, a ruler, a discarded sponge…. Anything that feels fun to you!

  • Any glue or medium

  • Various scrap paper ephemera - torn up construction paper or magazine pages, printed out photos, yellow legal pad pages, newsletters, torn out old book pages, whatever!

  • Something to cover and protect your creative space. I use a vinyl tablecloth, but newspapers or an old sheet would work.

What do I not need?

Self-judgement and perfectionism (though we’ll work with that!). It’s all about playing and experimenting here!

Jump in below!