Hi, I’m Lisa
I’m a traveler, A writer, A LIfe coach,
And Artist-in-the-Making
I live to go places. I never feel as awake and alive as when I’m exploring: all my senses heightened, nerves tingling… Seeking out new experiences, ideas and adventures is my greatest joy - even in my own neighborhood!
Wherever I am, or whatever I discover about other cultures, peoples and places, I find that what I learn the most about is myself.
I’ve spent a lifetime making big moves. But growing up I was an anxious kid. (Sometimes still am!)
I’m commented to growth, so along the way I’ve learned tools and techniques for dealing with the perpetual doubts.
I refuse to let fear stop me - and you don’t have to either!
Are you ready for a life filled with everyday ADVENTURE?
Maybe you’re an explorer too, or you’d like to be. Trust me, if I can do it, you sure can.
You’re already on a journey
where do you want to go next?!
If you’re a seeker like me, you’ve probably walked down a few paths. At some point you may have realized you felt a little lost.
You got off track, or were waylaid by life.
You know there’s more out there, you just don’t know how to find it.
Don’t worry, it happens! I’ve certainly weathered my share of troubles.
But I got through it, and you can too!
“The life you have led doesn’t need to be the only life you have. ”
Let me help you navigate
If you’re looking for guidance: I’m a Martha Beck-trained life coach who has long been dedicated to personal growth. I know that we were born with an inner guidance that leads us towards our right life. How do I know? Because I’ve experienced it again and again - both in my life and in others’! Not that the still, small voice is easy to hear over the noise of life. We all have thoughts, beliefs, habits and social programming that are no longer serving us. Through one-on-one and group COACHING PROGRAMS {insert link} I help curious seekers who want to work with their patterns and clear what is blocking them from their most adventure-filled life.
If you’re looking for inspiration: Following my inner guidance, I’ve lived in 5 countries, 7 states, 14 apartments, 6 houses, 4 hotels, 1 fifth-wheel travel trailer - and I’ve travelled to many places more than that. I speak some of several languages, including Slovak, Hungarian, French… and a little Texan, y’all! ;) For more than 12 years I worked as a professional travel writer, mostly for Lonely Planet guidebooks. Currently I divide my ‘home’ time between the desert west of Abu Dhabi and a riverfront east of Houston. It’s been an adventure, for sure! Along the way I’ve had my share of personal challenges to overcome. So I have some STORIES TO TELL {insert link}, people. (Oh, and I TAKE PICTURES {insert link} along the way, too.)
If you’re looking for encouragement: After my mother passed away suddenly, I knew it was time to get serious about living a fuller life. As part of my process, I picked up a pen and watercolor paints for the first time. To my great astonishment, I’m learning to paint and draw! Follow the story of how creativity has changed my life - and can help transform yours - here on the BLOG {insert link}. Take a peek at my work-in-progress SKETCH GALLERY {insert link} here.