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Are you ready to

step into a life of

Sacred Creative


Are you ready to step into a life of Sacred Creative Adventure?

Hi, I'm Lisa

I’m a Transformational Coach, A Traveler, A Writer & A Creative

What I know for sure is that so much more is possible than most of us think! Through the years I’ve become an expert at reinventing myself. I’ve lived in five foreign countries, speak four languages (Well, five, if you count Texan… ;)

I’ve been: an office manager at a US embassy abroad; a Home & Garden editor for a newspaper in South Texas; a freelance editor and ghost writer; and co-author of more than 50 Lonely Planet travel guidebooks. My latest transition to Transformational Coach-Writer-Creative has in many ways been the hardest.

I was in the middle of coach training a few back ago when my very-healthy-seeming mother died suddenly of a heart attack.

Shopping for a dress for my mom’s funeral I came across an inspirational towel that read “Wild & Free.”

In an instant I knew… that’s what she was now - FREE.

My mom was an amazing woman: fun, feisty, creative, a heck of a leader… AND she also suffered with her own set of self-limiting beliefs and shoulds, as well as a good deal of anxiety.

I realized then… If I were being honest with myself, despite all my big transitions, there were still ways I was holding myself back - not playing full out. There were words I hadn’t written, pictures I hadn’t painted - and that did not feel good. A part of me was still trying to keep me safe by playing small. It was uncomfortable to admit I didn’t feel free to be totally, 100 percent, fully myself. In that moment it became clear - if Mom could be free in an instant, so could I —- and she would want me to be.

I spent the next few years going within: I doubled down on the coaching practice, studying transformational tools, reading spiritual texts, connecting with the magic on several trips to Africa, creating a thriving art practice… and living through and learning from more personal challenges and loss.

As humans, we are creative beings at heart

question is… are we creating consciously or unconsciously?

What I learned, and what I share with others now, is how to live life as a Sacred Creative Adventure. Because when we LIVE LOVED, trusting in something higher and loving all our parts, the creative lifeforce is free to flow through us. How expansive are you willing to let your life get?! I dream of a world where no one has to wait til they die to be free. Where every person feels connected and loved enough to be the fullest and truest expression of themselves. And that’s why I help sensitive souls stop limiting themselves and start living fulfilled and flourishing lives right now. Aren’t you tired of waiting?! When we do this work, we are not only freeing ourselves, we are raising the vibration of the planet and helping free others. I want that world for me, I want it for you, for my nieces and grandkids…and I want it for my mom.

Are you ready to claim the sacred and unlimited life the Universe intends for you?!? Sign up below for my Lessons from Art, Life & Lions to be the first to know about my offerings and to get inspiration and tools for creating a wildly expansive life of your your own!

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom
— Anais Nin